Buyers and sellers from around the world will always find friendly and competent partners here. Whether it is during the creation of an ad or the purchase of a watch, our multilingual customer service advisors from over 15 countries ensure a smooth process, so that watch enthusiasts enjoy Chrono24 just as much as their watches.
Job | Location | Type of job |
Customer Care & Support Manager English & German (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
Customer Care & Support Manager French, German, English (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
Customer Care & Support Manager Italian, English, German (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
Customer Care & Support Manager Spanish, English, German (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
Customer Care & Support Representative German/English | Miami | Full-time employee |
Customer Care & Support Representative Italian/English | Miami | Full-time employee |
Werkstudent Customer Relations (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Student intern |
Customer Service Manager (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
職種:カスタマーサポート(Customer Support) | Tokyo | Full-time employee |
Customer Support Executive (all genders) | Tokyo | Full-time employee |
Dealer Success Manager (all genders) | Karlsruhe | Full-time employee |
Team Lead Customer Care & Support (Hybrid) | Miami | Full-time employee |